How to recover from prostatitis

causes of prostatitis

In the initial stage, chronic prostatitis recurs through pain during urination, urination, episodic sexual dysfunction. All of these symptoms are relieved by a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and the pain may temporarily disappear with regular analgesics.

Periods of temporary improvement after acute attacks of inflammation of the prostate may be the result of the mobilization of the body's defenses.

But sooner or later you will have to think about how to ensure a full life and after healing forget about prostatitis forever.

See a doctor as soon as possible

Unpleasant physical symptoms, indicative of a painful condition of the prostate, are often accompanied by depression and fears, which make men indefinitely postpone visits to the doctor. Many acknowledge the problem only at the stage when the disease is serious: the pain becomes unbearable, urination becomes torture or cannot be controlled, sexuality and impotence have long been established. At this stage, prostatitis is cured in very rare cases.

This perspective makes us think about the prevention and timely treatment of prostatitis at the first, even weak and rapidly passing signs. Discomfort when urinating, discharge from the penis and pain in the groin are the first calls you need to answer. At that time, there was still a wide range of methods for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. There are also cases and techniques that stop tissue overgrowth and even reduce the size of prostate adenomas. Today, adenoma and prostatitis can be cured with radical surgery, as well as with medication and physiotherapy.

Doctors differ in their assessment of the results of non-surgical treatment of chronic prostatitis and adenoma. Some believe the lack of inflammation and the normal size of the prostate - a complete victory over the disease, others say that this is just a successful stage in the fight against recurrence of chronic prostatitis, which does not disappear.

Theoretical calculations are of much less interest to patients than the question of whether it is possible to avoid perineal pain, sexual dysfunction, and urinary incontinence at any age. After all, the main thing is the quality of life and whether a person has recovered from prostatitis or has just overcome its exacerbation is a secondary question.

In case of chronic prostatitis and especially during exacerbations of the disease, you can completely trust your doctor or try the treatment of prostatitis at home.

But with each approach, you must undergo a diagnosis in a medical facility to determine the causes and stages of the disease. Re-studies will show how much this or that treatment has helped, whether there are complications, the symptoms of which can be erased by temporary exposure to drugs.

Perineal pain, frequent trips to the toilet are just symptoms, the removal of which can only silence the chronic process leading to sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence. In addition to age, hypothermia, physical overload and stress, as well as serious infections and viruses can cause prostatitis.

Self-medication for prostate problems

In order to achieve the desired effect of decoctions of parsley, honey mixtures or infusions of garlic, it takes months of regular use, with careful observance of the technology for the production of these products from traditional medicine and the quality requirements of the ingredients.

With each method of treatment and regardless of the causes of the disease it will be necessary to change or adjust the diet. You will need to exclude synthesized food (chips, soft drinks, many types of pastries and cookies) and animal fats, to minimize fried and marinated dishes, as well as the use of alcohol, sugar, salt and hot spices: pepper, mustard, horseradish. A diet based on natural products with a predominance of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish and seafood should not be a temporary restriction, but a new eating behavior that will contribute to the renewal and healing of the whole body.

In medicine, there are many cases where people have been cured of serious chronic diseases only by giving up bad habits and consistent hardening of the body.

Folk recipes for prostatitis

methods of treating prostatitis in men
  • Strong infusion of ground parsley seeds: half the volume of the seeds is mixed with boiling water. The mixture is ready for use after infusion for 15 minutes. The daily dose is 200 g of tincture in 3-4 doses;
  • Decoction of parsley roots is used instead of water in a volume of 1 to 2 liters per day. To prepare it, you need to boil half a cup of chopped parsley roots in a liter of water for 20 minutes;
  • Take finely ground unpeeled pumpkin seeds with honey water in a ratio of 2 tbsp in a glass of water half an hour before meals. You can also make a tastier honey paste with peeled pumpkin seeds and consume it regularly shortly before meals. The zinc in the pumpkin will improve the hormonal balance. Pumpkin oil, which can be found on the market, has a strong regenerating effect, it can also be taken orally at a certain dose;
  • Sugar-free pear compote from fresh or dried fruits is recommended for daily use in all seasons;
  • Fresh vegetables, fresh from carrots, cucumbers, asparagus and beets, made in equal parts, it is recommended to consume 2 cups a day during the exacerbation of prostatitis;
  • Bee products during the treatment of the prostate will provide the body with the necessary micronutrients, as well as fill the energy hunger with a low-calorie diet needed to cleanse the body of toxins. The daily dose of honey is 3-4 teaspoons, pollen is 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Propolis tinctures and suppositories give a quick anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect;
  • Taking various decoctions of herbal preparations of sage, calendula, chamomile should be done in monthly courses with mandatory breaks, as herbs are medicines and they, like ointments and tablets, have contraindications and possible side effects in caseof overdose;
  • Onion tinctures with dry white wine and garlic tincture with alcohol can replace the course of antibacterial drugs.

In the treatment of prostatitis, it is important to rule out constipation, in which the pressure on the prostate worsens the painful condition.

Healing Exercises

Exercise is recommended for mild forms of prostatitis, during the rehabilitation period after exacerbation of the disease and to prevent recurrence. For the greatest effect you should combine different types of exercises, performing them both in special training sessions and during short warm-ups every 1-2 hours.

  • Breathing exercises to strengthen the abdominal cavity, which can be written briefly as breathing with the stomach in rhythm: inhale, hold your breath, exhale slowly;
  • Routine squats and walking squats and seat;
  • Pulling the anus and simulating urinary retention;
  • Different leg swings with straight and bent legs.

With the right technique, the groin area heats up.

Horseback riding is considered a good prophylaxis of prostatitis, but is contraindicated in acute stages of prostatitis. In exacerbation of the disease will help warm herbal baths with chamomile, sea salt and potassium permanganate. In milder forms, the therapeutic effect can be achieved by regular contrast showers in the prostate gland. Regular sex life is an important factor in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, it will also allow you to get rid of complexes and depression and revitalize the body's defenses.

Medications and physiotherapy

Magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, perineal inductothermy, laser therapy, this incomplete list of procedures using medical devices should be used exclusively as directed and under medical supervision. Such procedures are prescribed in addition to drug therapy, using strongly targeted antibiotics. In addition to oral medications, rectal medications are prescribed, the use of which reduces the risk of side effects and ensures rapid absorption of the drugs through the rectal wall.

Prostate massage therapy, performed by specialists on an outpatient basis or at home, is also performed through the rectum. This activates blood circulation and increases the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and curative drugs.

Natural preparations

Among the natural preparations for the treatment of prostatitis stands out an antiseptic of animal origin, which is a homeopathic preparation and has a targeted effect on the inflammatory focus. The supplement is used as an adjuvant to activate the body's defenses in the treatment of the acute stage of prostatitis.

Depending on the storage conditions and how to use this product, the results appear in the first few days. There is a reduction in pain syndromes and an easier process of urination.

how to cure prostatitis in men

On the modern drug market you can find another natural medicine that relieves the symptoms of prostatitis and helps with complications of prostate inflammation. It is made from plant extracts, contains vitamins C, E, D, which promote cell regeneration and renewal, as well as trace elements zinc, chromium, selenium, needed to restore the immune and hormonal systems after stress and inflammatory processes in the male body. As can be seen from the composition, this drug can well replace homeopathic medicines - decoctions and tinctures, for the preparation of which it is not always possible to find time and raw materials.

Duration of medication - 1 month. Against the background of most positive reviews from people who use a course of drugs at the first symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, we must not forget that there may be cases of individual intolerance to drugs. It is also important to strictly adhere to the dose prescribed by your doctor.