Prevention of prostatitis in men: basic exercise

As is well known, the inflammatory process, prostatitis, prostate men disease which effects the health effects we are giving a most dangerous not manifest symptoms. And the average, according to data from the disease in recent years has increased twice, and now a risk group for men is not only valid for 50 years, but twenty years younger. Therefore, regular consult a physician for prevention and treatment of prostatitis.


Prevention prostate, in men, is a necessary process currently, so almost half the stronger sex is prone to this disease. Precisely for this reason, every boy and man should be controlled to prevent.

Symptoms and causes of the illness

The first value of finding the symptoms and causes: this disease, of speculation about and then for maintenance.

Symptoms of prostatitis the following properties:

  1. Corruption, urinary system, reproductive functions, powerful, irritability, and anxiety.
  2. Cause the acute form of prostatitis, the presence of high temperature, chills, or without. Edema caused by Cancer What difficult and painful urination.
  3. No visible signs of prostatitis the chronic form flows. A is a common disease that can have negative effects.

Prostatitis training there are a few reasons:

  1. Infections of the urethra and prostate gland, producing the transport view. Attributed to them, cytomegalovirus, Mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Work activities, constantly sit accounts (e.g., Secretary, driver, Bank Officer, Doctor, officer).
  3. The long-term, sexual, a sexual relationship unfinished.
  4. Continuous cooling, especially busy ones, nature sports.
  5. Hormone levels fail.
  6. Physical fatigue, psychological breakdown.
  7. Immune.
  8. Not enough vitamins and trace elements in the body, male.

A dive or an employee of a bank that focuses on the reasons above amateur pain, inflammation, and prostate. Only on them it is worth thinking about, at least every six months in order to prevent and physician.

Stages prostatitis prevention

Prevention of prostatitis in men conditional passes in two stages, each of which is important for a full-fledged health, a strong ground:

  • Primary. A period in which the main task, it's not for those with disease emergence alert, it's sick. To reflect the value of such a question all men of thirty years.
  • The secondary. You need to think about the scene, but who was this issue. The main task of secondary prevention actions, spend exceptional redevelopment or avoid switching to the inflammation is a chronic condition.
symptoms of prostatitis

Medical terminology a statement that is often consumed and the risk inflammatory diseases gland, them can be connected to the following professions:

  • Office workers and banking institutions.
  • People, who labor associated with high humidity.
  • Truckers, cabbies, bus drivers and tram.
  • Workers, for whom business activities are exposed to, often it's cold.

Nutrition primary prevention in men prostatitis implied, set, sleep mode, occupation, gymnastic exercises or sports activities, often working outdoors. Safety is also one of the common methods daily lesson sex only with diseases of the prostate. Convince doctors prostatitis Prevention – the best way to keep a healthy lifestyle. Many representatives of the stronger sex, the ones who choose to have sedentary lifestyle or eat, in this position permanently, thus increasing the likelihood of receiving prostate disease. To get started to exercise and Prevention of prostatitis so remarkable about the results. With their help, and sent the blood stream in a troubled region, increasing active Nov tone cloth.

Postpartum Kegel exercises for women was invented under the name of preventive activities and prepared. But as it appeared, then, for many men is an indispensable process for them. The essence lies in training the muscles of the anus. For the essence more clearly, the process of urination during exercise. Into custody with the flow for a few seconds rest, then repeat the procedure begins with the relationship without. A positive value impact exercises periodically:

  • The first seven days 10 to 5 sets of abbreviations.
  • Abbreviations the following week increase the workload of up to 150 are available. Many people such an event, you do not need additional training to start the course at any time and in any place.

Prevention of prostatitis that require space and a private location for some exercise. Here are examples of the most common sports activities:

  1. Leaning position the right foot. The left foot face to produce broad strokes. In the same way with the other leg.
  2. Clothing, sports wear, that's not it, start a movement, and high jump. The number is at least 100 times.
  3. Stand upright, legs to adjust the width of the shoulder and elbow to play the left and right 15 times.
  4. Lying on your back raise, straight leg and run "Birch". Later these provisions to exercise "bicycle".
  5. A similar situation, when lying on her back in the sequence to move the legs and edges in different directions.
  6. Take a deep breath, then exhale and hold your breath for about ten seconds.
  7. To take a sitting position, legs straight knees. Try reaching out with a hand, toes.
  8. Using the ball, on the floor by making the driver get support.
  9. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and move the cross into place.
  10. Before going to bed, take a shower, use hot water for 30 seconds, 15 seconds cold.

The above exercises have been proven as a preventative measure only and is made from, but at the same time to strengthen general health status male.

Representatives of the stronger sex prostatitis secondary prevention consists of following activities:

  1. Drug use prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Compulsory specialist visits, regardless of symptoms occur.
  3. Then, the urologist observed by the patient three months, then every six months.
  4. Every young man, a year after the age of 40 ultrasound procedure for prostate cancer.

In folk medicine, your doctor may recommend to refer. So, to add more walnuts to your diet, honey, parsley, dried fruit, meat, fish, apples and other foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.


To avoid dry, not worth the stress, without excessive physical exertion, sexual contact with different female friends to make your daily routine, to live a healthy life to the clinic in time for them to join, and then no prostatitis does not prevent live and enjoy life.