What are potency in men: why problems occur and how to avoid them?

Every person that is important for a strong sexual health. Great value, like the men of importance of these factors, the ability of the body to handle the sexual relationship have a strong impact on their self-esteem and self-confidence. Problems that arise in men, sexual life, don't they, insecure and anxious.

potency in men

How can such a power?

Male potency is the ability of the body to handle a sexual relationship that will bring fun and male sexual partners. Development is required for a full sexual life men. For many people the word "power" equals the term "erection". However, the power effects of erection. A good sex life is a major attraction for the opposite sex and quality of the duration of sexual intercourse.

Symptoms have low potency the stronger sex said:

  • weak erection or complete absence;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • male frigidity.

Influencing factors, male power

May indicate problems with potency, stress, or psychological problems male health problems.

Also, factors that affect the power of the male in a negative way:

  • cigarettes and alcohol;
  • age;
  • cardiovascular system disease and prostatitis;
  • excessive weight;
  • some drugs;
  • very high physical activity, or his lack;
  • the relationship partner.

With age, sexual power, male is changing. Strength, and is often broken in men over the age of 60, testosterone production decreased depending on this, atherosclerotic vascular changes and diseases of the endocrine system.

At this age many men prostatitis a sedentary lifestyle because of pain. Power prostatitis happens quite often.
how to increase potency in men

Some men self-potency and a bad at a young age. The young man with the power, because you are having problems, unhealthy lifestyle, and excessive alcohol use pelvic inflammation. Various hormonal crashes, slow blood flow to the sexual organ.

As a cause of chronic disease

The power to reduce the causes of motion is often a chronic disease. The treatment of prostatitis and deficiency sooner or later, can cause impotence. Varicocele does not affect the potency disease directly. However, the complications associated with this condition, pain, disease and distress that can reduce cracking due to stress male sexual power.

Hypertension reduces the elasticity of the vessels and reduces the blood flow to the penis. Half male, hypertension, lethargy, member of shows during sexual intercourse.

During treatment of hypertension reduces the potency of the drugs out. Chronic thyroid disease and diabetes also reduce libido.

Impotence stimulate as much as possible?

Stimulate the emergence of male impotence, it is important to follow him, their health and nutrition:

  1. Give up bad habits.
  2. Review eat. Open a food containing beneficial vitamins and minerals to your diet. The trace element zinc increase testosterone in this oysters, pumpkin seeds, diet, meat and fish, nuts and grains.
  3. Exercise more.
  4. Lead regular sexual life.
  5. Get rid of stress and constant experiences.

Control and power adjustment

Power to control the doctor there are a few ways:

  1. Geothermometry. Determines the device sensitivity with the penis glans, performing vibration.
  2. Pharmacotherapy the veins of the penis. To scale up the blood vessels of the penis with the application of some medicinal substances.
  3. Blood tests. To determine the levels of the hormone testosterone help to install, cholesterol and diabetes control.
  4. The level of PSA in the blood. High levels can be indicator of Prostate Specific Antigen, prostatitis and prostate gland adenoma.

How to protect power?

For a long time, mighty to save youth health is important and takes care of. A healthy night's sleep, proper nutrition, and sports helpful at any age that will affect not only sexual, but also other body systems male. Timely seek medical advice when this occurs, it's kind of a different disease.

Return paths power

What better power? Men that are used in medicines and folk remedies to remove the power. Entrants also of great importance psychological factor and a good impact strength in the environment of a family. To get rid of unnecessary stress during treatment and moral support of an important man.


Drug doctor assigned and that need to be taken in accordance with the recommendations simple. Business tools such as normalize vessels, return, erection of male strength and encouragement.

This drug can be prescribed by a doctor, gel, ointment or injection.

Folk remedies: how to increase your strength?

Male power in the initial stages with problems, people and drugs with the use of complex preventive actions.

Consider the most effective impotence treatment folk methods:

  1. Hypericum boiling.
  2. Boiling hop cones.
  3. Worn with walnuts and honey.
  4. Boiling hawthorn tree and sage.

Complex physical exercise

of power in men causes

Exercise, to improve blood circulation pelvic organs, developing male potency naturally. The qualitative effects on the course of a few months for the full realization of the systematic exercises are important. It affects not only Yoga because it increases your strength, the male of organs and muscles, but also relieve stress and irritability.

The most effective exercise:

  1. "Butterfly". Lie on your back, bend your knees and your feet hip tight. A raised back edge and twisted the foot of breath.
  2. "Beech". This exercise improves blood circulation, both at work and Prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  3. Squats. Reduces blood internship and positive effects on the prostate gland.


A good potency, depending on many physical and psychological factors. Deficiency, stress, exercise, proper nutrition, regular sexual life – all this positive impact, the force of men in bed. If the problem appeared again, it's not worth the overdue fine doctor. Gives a comprehensive treatment effectively restores potency, self-confidence.