Treatment for prostate cancer

One of the urgent problems modern treatment depending on the cause of prostatitis infection, prostate inflammation depends on the supporting schema therapy. Chronic prostatitis patients usually do not require hospitalization. In severe cases, comprehensive treatment in a hospital are more effective. A detailed consider what are medicated and non-medicated methods to solve this problem.

treatment for prostate cancer

Non-drug treatment for prostate cancer

Effects of thermal therapy and physiotherapy equipment and

Urology the importance of Modern physical methods, allowed us to reduce dose, and duration of antibiotic therapy.

Prostatitis physical therapy for the following targets:

  • improve circulation to the prostate tissues;
  • increased accumulation of medicinal substances in the body;
  • pain reduction;
  • quality improvement urination;
  • severe inflammatory process;
  • increased power.

Microwave hyperthermia prostate and contains the most effective methods of physical therapy (mud, laser therapy, electrophoresis and phono). Depending on the severity of the changes in the tissues of the prostate and the presence or absence of recession events, both comorbidities, applied different temperature and various modes of therapy.

The effect of temperature about 40 degrees Celsius with immunostimulant effects and electromagnetic anticonceptivo bacteriostatic effect. With increasing temperature up to 45 degrees pointing sclerosing and anaesthetic effect, reducing the size of the gland and inhibition of nerve endings.

Important! Prostatitis Physical Therapy Evaluation before assigning it time required to give the level of prostate-specific antigen levels (PSA) in men over the age of 40 and to perform transrectal ultrasound prostate (TRUS). The process to eliminate the prostate gland this cancer. In questionable cases, a high level of PSA, magnetic resonance imaging right reference.

During the physiotherapy of prostate calcifications, calculus (PSA) is usually performed. The reason for this delay, heated rocks and a microwave field can trigger irregular urination blood what texture and spicy cum.

devices treatment for prostate cancer

Laser treatment for prostate cancer

-Low laser navitas has the effect of microwave hyperthermia of the prostate that is similar to the action of the temperature 40 degrees Celsius. This method is a more logical approach to apply in cases enter the parameters in failure-infiltrative changes in the genital organs system, for example, for the treatment of acute and chronic vesiculitis with prostatitis background, cases are presented, orchiepididymitis'.

Prostate massage and physical therapy to more effective measures, because it is used less than modern devices. Prostate massage in the acute phase who do not fulfill the procedure, contraindications service adenoma, prostate stones, prostate cancer the process of tuberculosis.

Devices, treatment of prostatitis at home

The medicinal properties are based on thermal effects and magnetic massage of prostate tissue. The process was extremely painless and does not require any special skills. The tip of the condom is introduced into the rectum, before this gel anti-inflammatory substance. After use, the device you do not need to boil, sufficient to delete the work surface with alcohol.
15 for a course of treatment procedures, Duration, 10 – 12 minutes.

Contraindications to physical therapy:

  • the acute inflammation phase;
  • prostate stones;
  • genitourinary tuberculosis;
  • malignant neoplasm;
  • fissures, and hemorrhoids of the rectum in the acute phase;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • fire.

Prostate massage there is a home fixture for battery-powered, they use less and the effects of vibration. That can be connected positive aspects range in price from 2000 rubles.

Sanitary treatment of prostatitis

Remission in the sanatorium you can go to only after filling in a map of the hot spring resort. There are a lot of places, and in Russia and abroad, where, treatments, treatment, prostatitis, improve erectile function, and strengthen your overall health.

The solution of the auxiliary problem the following activities:

  • physical therapy;
  • drinking treatment with mineral water;
  • physiotherapy including any hardware exposure, and for normalization of the nervous system;
  • leech therapy (leech therapy);
  • balneotherapy (bath with bromine, iodine, etc.);
  • mud treatment (the mud cleaning cloth and applique).

Post-sanatorium treatment symptoms many patients forget about prostatitis.


Prostatitis drug treatment

This is a very important component of treatment of chronic prostatitis in the pathogenesis of a schema to cover all the links. In this way, stimulating faster to bring texture, normalizes blood circulation and nutrition of the body, your pain, adequate drainage of the incentive (ductless), normalizes hormonal background and activated a local immune.

The following groups of drugs that are used for these purposes:

  • antibiotics;
  • anticholinergic drugs;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (MAILER);
  • regulatory drugs of the immune system;
  • angioprotektori;
  • Kathleen;
  • Alpha-antagonists adrenoreseptor;
  • inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase;
  • inhibitors, cytokines;
  • that affect urate metabolism, and Drug Strategy.

Important! Optional, your treatment will take place above all in the scheme of the doctor complaints and symptoms directs you to visualize survey results-driven factor, the effect of the previous treatment phase of the inflammatory process and accompanying pathology.

Chronic prostatitis requires a general empirically without determining pathogen) appointment with antibiotic therapy broad-spectrum antibiotic. Of course, the choice antibiotic yielded better results, but you will need to achieve it. Acute inflammatory process in the prostate is left untreated, complications such as shock to the path of poster or bacteriologic. Edema causes acute inflammation on a background of cloth often delay urination.

Perform Foley catheter suprapubic bladder puncture with general setup and cropped in such cases, prostatitis antibiotics, anti-inflammatory ways of the local application candle etc.

Therefore, it is required not to be in the hospital to treat the infection and the first symptoms of the disease urologist to perform all suggestions.

Prostatitis treatment is determined individually, but the recommendations antibiotic (levofloxacin novum series preferably) for 28 days.

Adheres to this schema, the European Association of urology, antibiotics and sulfonamides is considered a priority drug treatment acute /acute prostatitis.

Tools which it uses to resolve the pain chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)

Symptoms of an infection because of the implication CPP agent (specific or nonspecific). This definition is loaded according to the results of elimination, full clinical and laboratory research.

A good effect when you use the following drugs:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants. Lock in a group due to pain cupping drug use contributed to the H1-histamine receptor and antiholinesteraznogo effect. More often prescription Amitriptyline and imipramine. In some patients, The Shape of developing side effects drowsiness, fatigue, and thirst.
  • Inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase prostate swelling of the tissues reduced the amount of the incentive problem. Apart from this, the slowdown reduces the conversion of testosterone pain syndrome and symptoms for an array of comforting.
  • Pain relief medications. In severe cases, your drug use, it cannot be a pain if you have the drugs from other groups.
  • On drugs which occur in the form of foreign exchange.

Prostatitis symptoms treatment permanent array

Sometimes, though, drawn antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment the patient is experiencing difficulty in the act of urination.

Then additional research – or research uroflowmetri bibendum sem – prescription drugs, depending on a designated pathology. Hypersensitivity, interstitial cystitis treatment with bladder neck scheme for a similar reason:

  • antidepressants;
  • antihistamines;
  • introduction bladder with antiseptic solution.

If dysurie supports hiperrefleks detrusor disorders (hyperactive bladder prostatitis rear) – the medicines you use, especially the face and throat. Use benzodiazepines to relieve detrusor hypotonicity and physiotherapy the effect of neuromodulator sacralis.

Prostatitis surgery

Current prostatitis and distinctive signs that serve as indication for a long time during the operation the following complications:

  • Sclerosis, bladder neck.
  • Sclerosis, prostate.
  • Sclerosis seed tubercle.
  • Stone prostate cancer.

Performed transurethral resection (TUR), develops and the quality of life of patients.

Other treatment options Surgery: benefit or harm

Not only in tabloid publications on the internet lazy and suspicious, he said, How Can treatment for prostate cancer forever. In some ways you can take a gun, as a complement to basic treatment, others can aggravate the situation and why the negative or death may result.

As a precaution you can use bee products (honey, royal jelly, perge, propolis, etc.) a reasonable approach will have a positive effect.

Accepted, as propolis contains beneficial components:

  • vitamins;
  • aromatic oils;
  • amino acids and proteins;
  • esters and flavonoids, etc.

Thus, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and even a preventive anti-tumor effect.

propolis ointment

Propolis-based ointment prostatitis in the recipe

Animal fat-100 mg in a water bath melt, add in products and beekeeping:

  • 90 grams propolis,
  • 7 grams Bee and Royal Jelly,
  • 20 grams of honey.

Ointment tool can not be boil, for cooking the optimum temperature is 40 – 42 C. a wooden stir stick, it's a cool place to cool and clean. More information perineum area 2 times a day, until it is completely absorbed ointment. Duration of treatment – 3 weeks. Repeat if necessary.

If you have difficulty, you can use to prepare the finished form pharmacy-shaped candles with propolis. The anus night to write a candle every day for the duration of treatment 15 to 30 days.

Perge produced for internal use in capsule form and contains 0,4 grams of active ingredient note. Wick can be used at the same time. Lessons – 1 month.

Boiling spoon and compress mortuus Bee monkeys

Podmore – is dead bees that use water as the cooking for this article, just dry.

Cooking method: pour 800 ml of water 2 tablespoons mortuus monkeys, punishment over low heat for about an hour. Cool, strain, and take 5 tablespoons 3 times a day for a month. To compress a ferry on the consistency of dumplings to withstand 150 mg mortuus monkeys. A tool to edit a few times on folded gauze, several layers of gauze from above yet close to lapa. Press to add a few perineum, and keep for 45 to 60 Minutes. Better to perform a procedure, take a shower in the night and morning.