Men on how to improve potency after age 40

Usually, erection problems and sex drive occur in adulthood (40-50 years). These encouraging a number of factors, including the male menopause. Mature men often wonder which is most effective enhancer pills for men after 40?

after the power 40

Definitely one of the most fast-acting drug, is a group PDE-5 inhibitors. They attack to help restore a natural mechanism of the erection. However, these drugs have a significant drawback – there is a short-term effect.

Herbal adaptogens can stand as an alternative, naturopathic remedies, and dietary supplements. Also good is a homeopathic medicine that has a therapeutic effect.

Erectile dysfunction causes

Causes of low power after 40 years? Usually the reason is simple – the male menopause. During this period the level is reduced, free and total testosterone in the blood as a result of developing erectile dysfunction.

Among the reasons for impotence in men 40 years of highlight and unhealthy lifestyle. Alcoholism, smoking, drinking and drugs are violated at the same time the path of hormonal background, prostate and the pelvic blood circulation function. As a result of this a reduction of potency and libido.

Possible causes of erectile dysfunction include:

  • Chronic urinary system diseases. Of libido and potency observed in patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, prostate cancer and prostatitis.
  • Psychological disorders. Low power usually due to an unstable psychological state in men 40 years of age. Patient self-acceptance syndrome is developing, bringing impotent standby failover. In this case, the necessary qualified psychological help.
  • Lack of exercise . A sedentary lifestyle leads to lower blood testosterone levels and of blood pelvic violates output. Lack of exercise more is full of obese. All these factors together cause erectile dysfunction is able to. But the other side of the medallion – impotence may occur because of very intense physical exertion.
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes. If impotence cause hyperglycemia, the main task was to stand to obtain compensation for treatment of diabetes.
  • Long-term hypoglycemic drugs, tranquilizers, sedative drug. Yet reduction-consuming libido and can cause erectile dysfunction inhibitors 5-alpha-reductase and antiandrogen.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Groin injury, or penis.
  • Anatomical deformation of the penis.
  • Hormonal disorders. That you want to monitor the level of free testosterone, total testosterone, FSH and DHT. If you have an anomaly, an appropriate cross for treatment.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Characteristic of chlamydia, candida, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases this erectile dysfunction.
  • Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

Before treatment should begin to consult experts (urologist, sex therapist, endocrinologist). Why must this be?

Because you need it, that doctor to uncover the root cause of erectile dysfunction and the appropriate treatment prescribed on the basis of survey results.

PDE-5 inhibitors

Troubleshooting with the potential of 40-year-old group to perform using preparations of PDE-5 inhibitors. How do they act? To understand the effects of drugs as a principle, you must remember that the relaxation of prerequisite of the beginning of erection of the penis structure.

For this difference to occur, the local accumulation of cgmp the cavernous body nitric oxide and broadcast. Drugs improving the effect of nitric oxide and inhibiting PDE-5 (cGMP that is responsible for the decay of this enzyme). Therefore, an attacker pharmaceutical additives natural power.

Meanwhile, the only drug to help to develop the man power in this case, the current of sexual stimulation. Any effect on libido or hormonal background of the above pill.

The tools of homeopathy and natural medicine

the potency of treatment

How to improve potency, male, 40's, and in this hand is a permanent effect? For these purposes the best to use homeopathic remedies. Unfortunately, most vehicles in this segment for placebo.


Many patients dealing with men of power after 40 years how to develop in a natural way? It's almost impossible to do this without a drug. For use in public methods is not practical. It's not very individual meat yield juices and infusions, as low libido and sluggish erections every man to help heal unpleasant events.

If you have health problems, the best thing to use dietary supplements, herbal based. Them down a bit their speed inhibitors PDE-5 however, diet Supplements to get therapeutic effect over the course of treatment 6 to 12 months. Moreover, it provides many tools that empower, men's health, improve including, prostate, and stabilize the hormonal background.