Prostatitis in men, symptoms and treatment

No prostatitis

In men, prostatitis can be diagnosed at any age. This disease, as a result of shock initial infection and the resulting inflammatory process. Prostatitis and symptoms are varied, but sometimes they are completely missing. Remarkably, symptoms of prostatitis, it's not manifesting, just after passing the chronic form of the disease. So it is important to know, when and what treatment, prostatitis.


Prostate cancer is a disease of inflammation affecting male, age exceeded 45 years old. A common disease, prostate cancer has become self-young men 18 years of age. The most common reasons:

  • from entering the infections;
  • blood stagnation in the lower part of the body because of a non-active way of living;
  • trauma genital organs.
Prostatitis Smoking Man

A disease that could be causing all this in the absence of an appropriate treatment of chronic transition. So important to spend time in diagnosis. Health facilities timely treatment, you need to know the most important symptoms of prostatitis. They are characterized by:

  • constantly, often for no reason feeling tired;
  • headache;
  • difficult urination and burning sensation of acute pain that accompanies the early and late emerging processing;
  • emptying the urine often due to strokes. Small amounts of a weak stream of urine;
  • due to a complete lack of urine output, the pressure in the urethra;
  • painful sensations back pain, pelvic and inguinal areas. The main feature spreads groin pain abdomen and waist. This entire spread in the pelvic region and localized in a certain place;
  • view issues, including a complete lack of libido your sex life. The first stage in the erection stays, but maybe it's early and irregular sperm selection. Slowly lethargic and weak orgasm. In some cases, without ejaculation, pain in the field of head;
  • nervous system disorders characterized by extreme irritability, the stress of finding a continuous, aggression or indifference.

Acute and chronic the symptoms may vary during the transition. Display:

  • constant pain, wear and character as sharp image;
  • spotting urine;
  • all the symptoms, including fever, chills, fever to 40 degrees temperature, sweating increased.

The remarkable symptoms of chronic prostatitis flare-ups occur in the period at all other times, the disease is asymptomatic.

At the time, given prostatitis possible complications as:

  • acute urinary retention, which is only to remove during surgery;
  • cystitis constantly evolving;
  • kidney disease (it's pyelonephritis);
  • the only transaction with an abscess treatment;
  • sepsis. Especially is fatal in advanced cases;
  • infertility.

Manifestation of the first symptoms of prostatitis, immediately contact health institutions and examination. But after that the doctor can prescribe the right treatment and prescription medication etc.

Prostatitis treatment more

In addition, folk remedies, men can benefit from the therapeutic primary.

The most common methods:

  1. pumpkin seeds are a great addition and basic treatment. 35 seeds for daily cooking needs. To ensure that it is simple, grind them and mix them with honey, then create small balls and take a single day 30 minutes before meals;
  2. freshly squeezed fruit juices. You need to drink 500 ml before day., for this purpose the best cucumber or carrot juice, containing many trace elements beneficial in its own right. Them separately to the mixture or can be consumed;
  3. honey as a different tincture. That helps, reduce pain, reduce inflammation. Acute prostatitis you need to get the calendula flowers, Horsetail, valerian root, nettle leaf, sage and mint. All the mix. Pour three tablespoons of mix into boiling water, to insist, add the honey in a warm place about 3 hours after. You should drink day before meals with a glass of third.

Also in the house the most effective way to get rid of prostatitis, including symptoms of pain, chronic, using the tub for herbs. The most commonly used to reduce pain and inflammation such as chamomile to get rid of fast is capable of helping to remove the disease.

The permissibility of Turkish folk remedies additional treatment after consultation by a specialist, otherwise this can lead to complications.

To pay attention to. Any problem should go to the hospital immediately symptoms of disease. Treat yourself busy in any way impossible at home. Full compliance with all medical advice and medicines regularly will help the problem only to forget forever.

Modern treatments prostate prostatitis

It is important to identify the reasons for prostate inflammation in the diagnosis is, after all, they can show a better treatment for Disease. Prostatitis treatment need in a comprehensive manner. Treatment should include:

  • import drugs and vitamins etc .. to reduce the action of special medicines, pain, problem, strengthening his immune system, inflammation and bacteria;
  • Ankara;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • healing body;
  • including various mixtures on medicine folk medicine Herbs.

Just a man switch to prevent a full treatment able to get rid of chronic prostatitis and the emergence of adenomas the prostate gland, is a disease that often accompanies.

The most common and effective modern physiotherapy procedures:

  1. laser treatment. The whole process takes at most half an hour. Is due to laser rays, motion, themselves directly to the prostate tissue, and cell is nearby. Thanks to this process eliminated one of the reasons for the emergence of the disease blood and internship;
  2. treatment, vacuum method. Why is this situation a hard erection during sexual organ is installed in a special vacuum treatment device due to the tidal blood. This method has many erections, improve the quality of both the process eliminates stagnant urinary organs by improving blood circulation. Best to combine vacuum therapy and other physiotherapy methods;
  3. the procedure with the use of ozone. Managed a custom solution to be treated is pre-filled with ozone. Fluids the inflamed organ with the urethra and anus. The solution a positive effect on prostate tissue, help them recover, and also destroys harmful bacteria. A series of treatments depends on the degree of risk. The average full you will need to visit to get rid of prostatitis treatment rooms / rooms, expert 6-10 times;
  4. radio frequency thermal therapy. Use this method means that the higher the temperature. People years ago has been proven a positive effect on internal organs. Apparatus and procedure was developed as the road now. The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. During her using a special machine, it turns out, is disrupted when the prostate tissue, resulting in thermal effects, damaged cells, and not all that affects the microflora. Prostate tissue regeneration happens over time;
  5. prostate massage. Ankara is also a mandatory process, that take place through which all the men prostatitis. It's kind of slow that helps to get rid of. However, all doctors that support this method. The reason for this inflammation or damage to strengthen the alliance you can have a massage during the infection of a disease that is affected by fabric;
  6. electrical stimulation. In this method, on coming out of the prostate gland through the effect of low frequency current. In this way, the correct contraction to allow for a sedentary lifestyle that occurred during this recession. Over time, the process, improves blood circulation, promotes to get rid of the disease early.

To pay attention to. All procedures are required and only a doctor prescribed it after putting all of the analyses, as well as personal conversation.

Prostatitis treatment requires a long process of careful relationship, on the one hand, the doctor and the patient. Only strict adherence to all rules that will help you get rid of a disease. Its to prevent the re-emergence of an active lifestyle and healthy eating and the principles to be followed.