Candle treatment for prostatitis what are they used for

Prostatitis – a disease that is very nice and full of serious complications and requires treatment in order for the mandatory and emergency surgery.

candles prostatitis

Rectal candle that is recognized is a great tool, reduces inflammation and pain syndrome. Single and home remedies treatment for prostate cancer as they move, but rather to develop a complementary basic treatment efficiency and accelerated healing, as well as fever, bad signs.

Treatment of prostatitis should pay attention to the candle, which every man ought to know, therefore, cheap and effective drugs will be available the list of names is a little lower. This dosage form is regarded as the best treatment because it provides rapid nutrient absorption and transport the most active prostate inflammation, prostate tissue.

Basic treatment prostatitis

Can be integrated into the treatment of prostatitis, and include:

  1. Drugs, improving blood flow, prostate.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment.
  3. Antibacterial drugs pathogens under control assignable susceptibility to disease.
  4. Drugs, and increase the body's defence (Immunostimulants) — after being assigned special studies of blood immunogram.
  5. Prostate massage, medical Gymnastics.
  6. Topical treatment relief rectal suppository.

It can be doctor prescribed, candles and a vehicle with painkillers or an antibiotic, propolis with beeswax or vegetable oils, etc.

Rectalis candles after treatment reduces edema, prostate, pain disappears back functions, development prostate stimulated, thrombosis, urination is back to normal.

Candles with propolis prostatitis

Candle propolis is the most effective treatment accepted with inflammation of the prostate. Propolis, contains a lot of content, nutrients as amino acids, chrysanthemums, resin, trace elements, thanks with multiple effects.

candle propolis

When it comes to candle propolis prostatitis with a number of drugs, prevention or treatment of chronic form of inflammation of the prostate.

Candle place with propolis prostatitis, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, regenerating and analgesic action. Intolerance allergic reaction to propolis pharmaceutical ingredients and contraindications for use the wick is almost no exception.

Pain relief medications

That is an important condition during treatment for prostatitis, relieving pain, delivery, and a strong discomfort. Capable of pain meds, broad spectrum. Here's the best Wick promedolu. This type of therapy brings relief candles.

Candle, eliminates inflammation

Inflammation of the effective action, in this case, with non-steroid substances. Like candle wax active ingredient, diclofenac.

Used, acute and chronic prostatitis, hemorrhoids. Okay relieve inflammation pelvic organs, rectal application is very toxic for the digestive system.


Provide, antiseptic, disinfectant, anesthesia (diclofenac) action. Also, Ichthyol suppositories, blood circulation, improve exposure in the field. There is a strange smell of wax ichthyol treatment for prostatitis. Components except intolerance contraindications have been identified.


These types of drugs designed for the 2 solve the problem of the presence of microorganisms in the prostate gland (normal, if there is a germ of a not – so in the pursuit of nature) and the problem is in spasm.

antibiotic with the candle

Antibiotics are used as suppositories when used in such as rifampicin (kanamycin group) stops RNA synthesis in bacterial cells replication process and the transaction person.

The candle with beta-sitosterol

Beta-sitosterol – a substance that effectively protects the prostate gland. The concept of substance, rice bran, wheat, soybean and corn oil. Rectal candles are both used independently and together with other medicines prostatitis.

All of the above rectal suppository rectum is entered. Dozens of active ingredients penetrate the prostate we give him a medical action.

Any medication, including the candle, the technician must be assigned, after examination, the patient and the diagnosis of prostatitis. Contraindications and side effects of each drug.