What you need to know to prevent prostatitis

A man with prostatitis

Prostatitis is an insidious disease that often becomes a chronic, incurable form. The slightest provocation returns the symptoms: pain in the perineum, difficulty urinating, worsening of the erection.Primary prostatitis prevention is a normal, healthy lifestyle that does not require any special restrictions. Secondary (prevention of recurrence of an existing disease) includes a more detailed set of measures, including diet, abstinence from alcohol, support for drugs.

Risk factors for prostatitis

Prostatitis develops with a combination of two main factors: infection and stagnant glandular processes. The main sources of pathogens that provoke inflammation of the gland:

  • Intestine (Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Klebsiella);
  • Infected sexual partner (mycoplasma, chlamydia);
  • Outbreaks of inflammation in the body: tonsil infections, carious teeth.

The pathogen introduced into a healthy prostate through the urethra or through the bloodstream is likely to be destroyed by the protective cells. If the local tissue immunity of the gland is impaired against the background of stagnant processes (blood flow slows down, cells lack food and oxygen) and intoxication, then most likely to develop prostatitis.

The role of physical activity in the prevention of prostatitis

Sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of prostatitis in both adults and young men. Inflammation of the prostate gland against the background of venous congestion in the pelvis is called congestive.

When a man gets regular physical activity, the muscles of his pelvic floor are toned. They keep the bladder and other organs in an anatomically correct position. It is important for the adequate functioning of the sphincters of the urethra, bladder, quality contraction of the prostate and its complete emptying.

For men who do not have the opportunity to jog or go to the gym, as a preventive measure against prostatitis is suitable simple gymnastics performed at home:squats, circular body movements, pumping the press. You need to commit for 15-20 minutes before light sweating. Kegel exercises are a good option for warming the prostate, but should not be performed if there are stones in the gland (calculous chronic prostatitis).

For the prevention of prostatitisis ​​useful fast walking uphill(on a sloping track or on uneven terrain),swimming, jogging- low-intensity cardio. Some men avoid bicycles and ergometers, believing that the pressure of the saddle on the gland will cause prostatitis. The problem can be solved by choosing an anatomically shaped seat with an opening. But even from the usual model there will be no harm if the riding style is non-aggressive (the impact of the crotch on the saddle or frame is excluded).Cycling 5-10 km, which is done 2-4 times a week, is a good prevention of prostatitis.

Thermal procedures (bath, ice hole)

There is a theory that sudden exposure to low temperatures on the body will "wake up" the immune system and stimulate recovery from most diseases, including prostatitis. For this purpose, many dive into an ice hole or pour ice water. it should be noted thatcompetent tempering has nothing to do with bathing with the Epiphany or immersion in the font after the bath. Men who decide to get rid of prostatitis or perform its prophylaxis in this way risk getting worse the next day. During cold stress, spasms of blood vessels secrete hormones that disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system.

Thermal procedures (bath, sauna) are useful for the prostate (especially in congestive prostatitis), as they improve blood microcirculation. This does not apply to extreme relaxation in a steam bath or sauna with high temperatures and alcohol. The latter is likely to provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis.

Prostate massage

Prostate massage is a procedure that not all men accept. If this is perceived as normal, then 1-2 times a week can be done as a prophylaxis of prostatitis. To do this, attract a partner or use a special vibrating massager. However, it should be noted thatregular sex and exercise are much healthier and safer. If the massage is performed by a non-professional, then there is a high risk of prostate injury.

Do not massage for preventive purposes without prior examination. There may be calcifications, cysts and more dangerous neoplasms in the prostate that do not appear in any way. It is also unacceptable to use home physiotherapy devices that use electromagnetic or ultrasound waves without a doctor's approval.


Regular sex plays an important role in the primary and secondary prevention of prostatitis. But doctors make a reservation:sexual intercourse should not be "tortured", but desired against the background of normal libido. Mechanical movements and weak orgasms are an ineffective way to keep the gland in good shape. There must be complete sexual arousal, stimulating the release of certain hormones and causing a cascade of biochemical processes.

Too frequent orgasms from masturbation or intercourse can lead to depletion of the genital centers and a decrease in prostate muscle tone (atony). This will provoke a malfunction and increase the risk of developing prostatitis. As a preventive measure, 3-4 intercourses per week are sufficient. For men over 50, one ejaculation every 7 days is enough to prevent stagnant prostatitis.

Prevention of Infectious Prostatitis: Sexual Hygiene

Many couples, in an attempt to diversify their sex lives, forget about basic hygiene rules. According to statistics, in most casesunprotected sex causes prostate infection.

Men who have unprotected anal sex often fall victim to chronic prostatitis caused by intestinal microflora. Most gut microorganisms are hostile to other organs. Once in the urethra, they penetrate the bladder and prostate, causing slow inflammation.

Oral sex can also cause prostatitis. The tongue, pharynx, tonsils, carious teeth and the inner surface of the cheeks are potential sources of pathogenic bacteria that can cause inflammation of the gland.


A healthy, balanced diet is the key to good overall health. An important element in the prevention of prostatitis is timely and regular bowel movements. With constipation, the rectum swells, compresses the prostate. Toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls, which also enter the gland.

To prevent constipation, it is necessary to create a diet in such a way that 2/3 of the food consumed is occupied by vegetables, fruits and cereals (fiber). Physical activity is also important for the normal contraction (peristalsis) of the intestine.

Useful products for the prevention of prostatitis:

  1. Pumpkin seeds (source of zinc). You should eat 30-50 seeds a day on an empty stomach in the morning for a week. It is useful to add nuts and honey to them.
  2. Seafood, oily fish.
  3. Greens (celery, parsley, watercress).
  4. Nuts.

Diet plays a major role in the secondary prostatitis prevention program. Alcohol, fatty, fried, spicy and too salty foods will provoke a new round of inflammation. Symptoms can appear literally the next day. In this case, treatment will have to start over.


Pharmaceuticals are mainly used for secondary prophylaxis during remission of chronic prostatitis. Even a single inflammation can provoke a decrease in cellular immunity of the prostate, violating its protective barrier. Most prophylactics are aimed at restoring an adequate immune response to the gland. List of the most popular immunomodulatory drugs for the prevention of prostatitis:

  • Tablets and suppositories based on animal prostate extracts (peptides);
  • Tablets that stimulate the production of interferons (proteins that protect the body from pathogens);
  • Suppositories containing an enzyme that prevents the formation of fibrous tissue, has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects;
  • Suppositories based on human protein synthesized using gene technology.
Bacterial protein-based immunomodulator injections are used for the secondary prevention and treatment of complex forms of prostatitis. Basic properties:

  1. Reduces inflammation.
  2. Regenerates tissues and nerve fibers.
  3. Restores blood flow.
  4. Prevents scarring after exacerbation of prostatitis.

Side effects are possible during immunomodulatory treatment: decreased ability to concentrate, fever, fatigue, weakness.

It is a relatively cheap and effective prophylactic agent for chronic prostatitispropolis candles. The application of the course allows you to prevent inflammation, increases cellular immunity.

For the prevention of congestive prostatitis and hyperplasia, doctors recommend drugs to thin the blood and speed up metabolism based on a crawling palm.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are suitable for both primary and secondary prevention of prostatitis. First of all, these are natural adaptogens, immunostimulants, which also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.The most effective folk remedies:

  • Beekeeping products: decoction and infusion of bee submarine (on dead bees), propolis, honey, bee bread, royal jelly. The main advantage is the high content of highly digestible vitamins and minerals.
  • Adaptogenic plants: ginseng, rhodiola rosea (red brush), fireweed (willow), echinacea (can not be abused - inhibits hyaluronidase, which prevents the formation of fibrous tissue), tincture of chestnut, eleutherococcus.
  • Mud tampons and applications (Saki mud, blue clay).

Tinctures and decoctions are drunk in courses of two weeks once a quarter.

Routine Exams

Annual urological examinations for the prevention of prostatitis are recommended for all sexually mature men, especially after 40 years. By this age, the number of risk factors increases: hormone levels change, chronic diseases accumulate, and physical activity decreases.

The standard test plan includes prostate ultrasound, prostate secretion analysis, biomaterial sampling for genital infections.


"When I was young, I had never heard of prostatitis, but at 34 I had a sudden attack, now I have to maintain remission. Too bad for the candles prescribed by the doctor and the composition for me is questionable, so I use folk remedies: beaver stream (tincture) and bee pollen (bee pollen). At one time there was fresh propolis. I chewed it every morning in small pieces. So far there have been no more attacks. The maximum is a slight discomfort about two days after fishing. "

“I control my chronic prostatitis with immunomodulators: injections and suppositories every six months. In addition, I try to do Kegel exercises every day (at least 100 contractions once a day). "


For some men, regular sex is enough to prevent prostatitis, while others need to constantly maintain and strengthen the immune system. Whether additional measures are needed in the form of drug support for a healthy lifestyle, only a doctor can decide based on medical history and internal examination. It is not recommended to use self-immunostimulating suppositories for the prevention of prostatitis - in case of illiterate use there is a chance to weaken the body's own defense system.